family medicine – Editor’s Corner

I recently sought to find a new primary-care physician ‘who’s located closer to where my wife and I live.

It ended up being a lot harder than I thought. Either doctors don’t take our insurance, aren’t taking new patients, or just don’t have 15 minutes to spare in the next few months.

The primary-care physician shortage is real, people. I am sure you didn’t need me to tell you that, but it’s interesting to experience firsthand an issue that we seem to talk about every day.

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Health Affairs Blog

For several decades, there has been a general consensus that the nation would benefit from an increased supply of primary care practitioners, including physicians. Most reform efforts to improve health care, including the Affordable Care Act (ACA), have viewed an increased focus on primary care as essential for improving the delivery system and outcomes of care. According to the Center for Health Workforce Studies (CHWS) demand index, these efforts are beginning to pay off.

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Albany Times Union

The University of Albany’s School of Public Health conducts periodic reports on the health care workforce. And while it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the job market is good for newly minted physicians, there are what could be seen as a couple of surprises tucked into the study.

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Albany Times Union

In keeping with a growing demand for primary care doctors, job opportunities for the family practice physicians outweighed those for specialists last year, according to a study released Friday by the University at Albany’s Center for Health Workforce Studies. The overall marketplace for new doctors appears strong, according to Trends in Demands for New Physicians, 2010-2014.

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