Service Obligated Programs Database

Diversity in Medicine Scholarships

Summary:The Diversity in Medicine Scholarship Program is funded by the New York State Department of Health and administered through the Associated Medical Schools of New York (AMSNY). It is intended to support a year of medical school tuition for students who are from educationally and/or economically underserved backgrounds and who have completed one of the AMSNY post-baccalaurate programs. In exchange for tuition support, recipients agree to work in an underserved area in NYS upon completion of their medical education.

Agency:Mother Cabrini Health Foundation

Sponsor:New York State

Program Type:Scholarship

Length of Service:Minimum of two year commitment

Type of Designation Required:Regents defined Health Professional Shortage Areas or facilities

Minimum HPSA Score Required:N/A

Place of Service Obligation:Eligible site(s) in Regents defined shortage areas or facilities.

Health Professionals Supported:Physicians

Additional Information:AMSNY is prioritizing applicants entering their third and fourth years of medical school for the 2021-22 awards

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