
Crain’s New York Business

Male physicians earned about 17% more than their female peers upon completing medical residencies in New York, and the difference in pay persisted even when adjusting for differences in specialty and work-life balance preferences, according to a study published Wednesday in Health Affairs.

The analysis of physicians completing residencies here between 1999 and 2017 showed that men starting their career in medicine earned an average of $235,044, compared with 198,426 for women…

…The paper analyzed responses from 16,407 people–9,042 men and 7,005 women. The data come from the annual New York Survey of Residents Completing Training, which is conducted each year by the University at Albany’s Center for Health Workforce Studies. The researchers noted that New York trains more resident physicians that any other state.

The study found about 60% of the difference in pay between men and women could be explained by what specialty they chose to pursue, with men more likely to practice in lucrative surgical specialties and women more often choosing primary care. But even when adjusting for specialty and demographic differences, the analysis showed about a $20,000 gap between men and women.

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U.S. Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D–N.Y.) is backing a bill that would add 15,000 more Medicare-supported residency-training slots for doctors…

…Schumer’s release also cited a “recent major report” for the Center for Health Workforce Studies (CHWSNY) found that providers are “unevenly distributed” across New York.

CHWSNY, also based in Rensselaer, is part of the University at Albany’s School of Public Health.

The report found that Central New York has one of the “lowest rates” of family and general-practice physicians in the state, with only one primary-care doctor for every 1,330 people, Schumer’s office said.

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